Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thatchers quote of the day

Today I ran into Ikea to quickly exchage something(30 mins later I was out of there - I hate that freaking place-hire some employees for your giant store!) Stewart took the kids across the street to see some horses while they were waiting. When I finally got into the car Thatcher said," I named one of the horses Sweetie!" Then he thought for a second and added very seriously, "but be careful because Sweetie almost bit my hand off!"


  1. oh how i love reading the daily thatcher quotes! matt and i get quite a kick out of it! :) keep 'em coming! BTW, this is a great way to help you remember all the cute things they do! Kinda like a journal?? Great idea!

  2. That is my plan Amy. I am mostly doing this for a journal keeping. I've heard that you can print them off into books. That would be a really fun thing to have later.

  3. Yeah, I have heard that too!! I think that's going to be plan as well...where can you print it off??
